Interim Pastor: Terry Fach

It is a great privilege to serve our Trinity Mennonite community and lead our church through a time of transition in 2024-2025. The excitement is building as we anticipate what is coming next. Our group is focused on following the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, who modelled non-violence, love of enemies, and service to others. Because we don’t think we can do this in our own strength, we gather regularly in large and small groups to receive and experience the power of God’s love. I invite you to join us. Contact me if you have any questions. All are welcome at Trinity—and we really do mean that. Email:
Communications Coordinator: Christine Lavallee

Christine Lavallee moved to Calgary when she was a young teenager. Her family were missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators for the first 11 years of her life over in Iran Jaya in Indonesia.
She has lived in Calgary since being a teenager. She considers Calgary her home. She has 2 sons. One is 20 years old and the younger one is 9 years old. They keep her on her toes. She is has several things on the go and looks forward to meeting all of you.