BFC Response

At the 2016 Mennonite Church Canada (MC Canada) Annual General Meeting, MC Canada put forward a motion flowing out of the Being a Faithful Church (BFC) process. The motion said that while the definition of marriage in the Confession of Faith will remain unchanged, MC Canada will extend freedom to its congregations and individuals within them to explore other interpretations. After discussion, the motion passed with a clear majority.

In response to these developments, the pastor and deacons of Trinity Mennonite Church have discussed the topic of marriage. With regard to teaching and practice, we remain committed to the traditional definition of marriage, as being between a man and a woman, in keeping with the Confession of Faith from a Mennonite Perspective.

Trinity Mennonite Church seeks to be first and foremost a Christ-centered church. We will continue to uphold the institution of marriage and advocate for strong families, relationships and households in keeping with Jesus’ example, but we will also continue to be welcoming to all seekers and believers because we believe that’s what Jesus did.