
Upcoming Events:

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Night @ Trinity:

Invite your friends and neighbors to join us March 4, 5:30pm – 8:00pm, for an evening  of delicious crepes (with toppings), farmer sausage and good conversation as we anticipate the season of Lent. Donations for the meal will be gratefully accepted. Farmer sausage will be available for purchase. Net proceeds will be donated to Narrow Road Home in High River, a residential recovery program that offers a continuum of support and care for women struggling with domestic violence, abuse, and addictions. More information about NRH:

Friday Night Program for Trinity Youth (13 to 18 years) :

Trinity youth are officially invited to join the Calgary Mennonite church youth program for Friday night activities and other events. The group is made up of youth from Foothills Mennonite and First Mennonite, and led by Aiden Scherzinger, Associate Pastor at Foothills. Events are typically held at one of the churches in Calgary, 6:30 – 9:00pm, most Friday nights. Details will be posted in our Trinity calendar. If you have any questions, contact Pastor Terry:

9          Guest Speaker: Jenn Ratzlaff
14        Youth Night @ Foothills Mennonite (6:30-9:00pm)
16        Update on Trinity’s Transition (after service)
21-23  Snow camp at Camp Valaqua (for youth in grades 7-12)
23        Guest Preacher: Jose Luis Moraga, MCC Alberta
28        Youth Night @ Foothills Mennonite (6:30-9:00pm)

4 – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Night (5:30-8:00pm)
5 – Ash Wednesday Service @ First Mennonite (7:00pm)
9 – Trinity AGM (following service)
16 – Guest Speaker: Derek Cook (Canadian Poverty Institute)
14-16 – MCA Annual Delegate Sessions (Foothills)

Sunday Worship Service:

  • In person Sunday Worship* starts at 11:00am (see map below for location)
  • Adult Bible Study -10:00am
  • Kid’s program: During the morning Worship Service

* A live stream on our private “Trinity Mennonite Church Community” Facebook page (contact church office for access:

Regular Programming:

  • Women’s Coffee Plus
    • 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month (at the Church at 10:30am)
    • Monthly Bible study with fellowship and refreshments
  • Calgary Men’s & Women’s breakfast group
    • 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month, 
    • 8:00am at Ozzy’s Diner. (14315 Macleod Trail SW in Calgary from now on. (Ozzy is located in the building that Humpty’s used to occupy). )
  • Okotoks Men’s breakfast group

Worship Calendar

This Sunday:

  • Renewal through Trust and Yieldedness  (Jeremiah 17: 5-8; Matthew 18:1-5)
    Preaching: Jenn Ratzlaff

Next Sunday:

  • Someone Knows (Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18; John 1:42-51)


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Events Held Annually

Sunday School Picnic

This is a tradition which marks the end of the instruction year in June, and is celebrated by the entire church. Father’s Day is a favourite Sunday to have the picnic.

Gathering Sunday & Annual Corn Boil

This event is conducted at the beginning of a new season for all of our programs. During this event, we pray for our leaders who will be going into a new season and send them off with a blessing. Following the service, we enjoy a boiled-corn lunch that includes corn, butter, watermelon, roll kuchen, and desserts. This creates an opportunity for a tasty meal, wonderful fellowship, and a time of fun.

Christmas Banquet

Christmas banquets takes place on one of the earlier Saturdays in December. During this time we dress up, enjoy a great Christmas dinner, sing carols, and usually enjoy some form of entertainment in the evening.